Christmas Craft Faire Application- For Crafters
The Christmas Craft Faire will be on Saturday, November 23rd. Application deadline will be Monday, October 21st or when all booth spaces have been filled. Please note that you must submit your payment AND application to reserve your booth space. All spaces are first come first serve. Applications are timestamped upon submittal. Look below for more event information!

** ALL SPACES HAVE BEEN FILLED! ** - 11/5/2024
To secure your spot, you MUST do the following:
- Step 1: Register HERE!
- Step 2: Complete the application HERE!
To view the Event Handbook and Vendor Checklist, click HERE!
To view the Assembly Hall Layout, click HERE!
To view the Gymnasium Layout, click HERE!
Completed Google Form and Payment MUST be completed before a booth will be reserved.
Booth Assignments will be emailed once the event has filled or no later than November 3rd.
We're excited to bring some fun ideas to the event this year!
**Please note, we are limited in the amount of specialty vendors we can take, ie. Jewelry makers, crocheters. We will contact you as soon as possible if your category is full***